Why You Should Get a Copy of Your Crash Report
Accidents happen every minute of every day. It can be important to have your accident report copy for your records. One of the main reasons for this is that should you pursue compensation due to the accident, it is essential to have an accurate starting point. Things like the date and time, the location of the accident, insurance information, and the details surrounding the accident are included. This can include driving and weather conditions during the accident and witness contact information if available. A detailed account of the accident (according to the responding officer) is also included. This third-party account can be vital to your next steps should you choose to pursue compensation for your damages.

Who Finds an Accident Report Valuable?
Though some information is limited to protect the involved parties’ privacy, a few types of people can obtain accident reports for their own benefit.
Insurance company representatives, for example, are one of the main categories of people that can obtain accident reports. They will use this to adjust insurance premiums or make other changes to their customer’s policies.
Researchers use accident reports to establish data on driving conditions, deaths, traffic issues, and more. They can use this to encourage changes to the current traffic flow or address safety concerns.
Attorneys utilize accident reports when advocating for their clients in personal injury cases. The accident report is the main starting point for them to identify whether or not their client has a valid case and how to pursue it.
How Do I Obtain a Copy of my Accident Report?
There are two main ways to receive a copy of your accident report. The first is through the North Carolina DMV. You are typically asked to fill out a form and pay a small fee for a copy. Individuals can request the report over the phone and have the form mailed to them; in some cases, this can be done online.
The second way to obtain your report is by requesting one from the jurisdiction where the accident occurred. Identify which police department would oversee where the accident occurred, and you can contact them directly regarding how to obtain a copy.
How Can a Personal Injury Attorney Help Me?
Our law offices help clients every day with car accident cases. With vast experience in these cases, we can provide invaluable knowledge and guidance regarding your options and how to pursue compensation if that is an option. We will review the details of your case based on your accident report and determine what options you have moving forward.
If further investigation is needed to establish a case, we can help with that. We can also help you understand what to expect in these cases, help to ensure you don’t make untimely or costly mistakes, and represent you to pursue damages.
Contact our offices today to speak with an experienced attorney regarding the specifics of your accident.