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Legal Counseling for Employers

Charlotte | Huntersville | Hickory

Helping Safeguard Your Business’s Future

Helping Employers Stay Legally Compliant

As a North Carolina employer, you have various obligations under both state and federal law. Failure to meet these obligations can result in expensive litigation, damaging press, and may even put your entire brand at risk. That is why it’s so important to have legal counseling lawyers in North Carolina on your side. This can minimize your risk of litigation.

At Harman Law, we’ve spent years representing both businesses and workers in employment law cases. This gives us experience on both sides that can prove invaluable for safeguarding your company. We’ve seen employee rights cases result in damages ranging in the tens of millions of dollars. Don’t risk having this happen to you. Take proactive measures today.

legal counseling

Do You Really Need a North Carolina Legal Counseling Attorney?

Many entrepreneurs wonder if they really need the services of a legal counseling lawyer. After all, the regulations they have to follow are readily available online. Can’t they just look up this information and ensure they’re compliant? Even if we ignore how difficult it would be to track down which of the hundreds of employment laws in America apply to you, it’s not always necessarily your actions that can lead to legal issues.

For instance, an employee who’s engaging in discriminatory behavior or harassment could put the entire company at risk. It’s also possible that you could be in a dispute with an employee over wages or overtime, and neither of you may think you’re in the wrong. In such instances, having a legal professional that can explain your situation could help avoid litigation and even bring calm to a heated situation.

What Issues Can an Employment Lawyer Help With?

There are innumerable matters that a legal counseling lawyer in North Carolina can assist your business with. At Harman Law, we offer services handling everything from the creation of employee manuals to fighting back against federal lawsuits. What you’ll find in many cases, however, is that the following needs are particularly prevalent:

Employment Law Compliance

Employment laws are constantly changing. A sudden update to state or federal regulations can result in an immediate need for your business to adapt. The experienced employment lawyers at Harman Law can help ensure you’re fully compliant with current labor laws and regulations — no matter how quickly they change.

Social Media Regulations

The behavior of employees on social media can have a direct effect on how the public perceives your company. Attempting to control such behavior, however, could result in allegations of employment rights violations. Our legal team is familiar will all current relevant statutes and can answer any questions you may have. Make sure you seek out legal advice before trying to create or implement social media regulations.

Discrimination and Harassment Issues

Allegations of harassment and discrimination in the workplace are serious matters. If one of your workers claims they’ve experienced such conduct, it’s important for you to speak with a North Carolina employment lawyer immediately. They can assess your situation, evaluate your legal exposure, review the actions in question, and help you understand your best path forward.

What If You’re Sued or a Formal Complaint Is Filed?

No matter how hard you try, there’s no guarantee that your company will be able to avoid litigation. At Harman Law, our team of North Carolina legal counseling attorneys will take every lawful measure to minimize your risk of litigation exposure. If you are the target of an employment lawsuit, however, we can also provide the experienced representation you’ll need to defend your brand. The stakes are high, so trying to handle this on your own is typically unwise.

There are a few ways to deal with allegations of misconduct. For instance, many such cases are settled outside of court. Some employers see this as an admission of guilt, but under certain circumstances, it really is cheaper to simply settle and move on. If your company is facing unfair and unfounded allegations, though, our team of employment lawyers is willing to move forward and defend your brand in court. Contact us today to discuss your legal options.

Contact Our Legal Counseling Lawyers in North Carolina Today

Owning a company creates a great amount of opportunity — both for the employer and their employees. Unfortunately, building a business also runs the risk of legal difficulties. We’ve seen what can happen to brands that fail to meet their legal obligations, and if you’re not careful, it could completely derail your company’s rise to success.

At Harman Law, we strive to ensure this doesn’t happen. By helping employers understand their rights and responsibilities, we’re able to minimize worker violations and the potential for legal exposure. Our legal counseling lawyers in North Carolina are ready to help you safeguard your brand. Contact us today by calling (704) 286-0947 to schedule a confidential consultation. Our law firm is here to help.